Share Your Story
What I love about ADANA is that you get an opportunity to think about today, resolve issues from yesterday, look forward to tomorrow and retrain your mindset and actions. I am asking you to share to help other people. The shifting experience you share will help increase compassion, empathy and motivation.
As a health and leadership teacher, I have experienced and witnessed powerful shifts in people due to simply sharing stories. I want to compile your shifting experience(s) that relate to “Motivate from Within” and ADANA Dynamics to continually impact more and more people.
This is an opportunity for a parent, teacher, coach, mentor, role model and or a young adult to share your story. I would like you, no matter who you are, to share your shifting experience after reading “Motivate from Within” and/or experiencing the 5-step success process ADANA Dynamics.
Young Adults explain the benefits of sharing personal stories:
- Increase empathy and compassion for others
- Understanding the true meaning of “don’t judge a book by its cover.”
- The value of being grateful for what you have
- Offers advice for the future and to learn from other peoples mistakes or successes
- To walk in someone else’s shoes
- To learn from other people and their influences
- We all have our own story to share
- Want to be heard and to help someone else
- Takes you out of the zone of your own personal thoughts
- We all think the world revolves around us but we are all a part of something bigger and all interconnected